I created this 30 minute workout plan to stop my schedule playing havoc with my training plan! I used to miss workouts reguarly because work committments required my attention or because something was going on at home that I couldn’t ignore and my physique suffered because of it!
I ended up like the rest of my white collar chums, stressed, overweight and constantly tired!
Even though I’ve always enjoyed working out and would always usually find time, the comes a time in everyones life when you simply have no time to exercise! Your workout is usually the first victim of your time-culling and all other “non-essential” activities follow thereafter.
It’s a mistake cutting your workout from your schedule, you’ll have less energy and feel the stress of your job more and more the longer you refrain from working out.
You can get an effective workout done in only 30 minutes provided it’s set up correctly. Yes, you will be working hard as you’ll be squeezing lots of work into a short space of time and therefore the rest periods between sets will be minimal.
The benefit is that this workout can help you shed fat and build muscle at the same time. The short rest periods keep the intensity high so you’ll get the benefits of a cardio workout as well as the powerful effects provided by resistance training, the best of both worlds in 30 minutes!
My 30 Minute Workout Plan
This workout plan is designed to be done twice a week which is the bare minimum you need to be doing if you want to see any results. Anything less than this and you may as well not bother as its going to have no impact on your appearance.
Because you will only be working out twice a week you will follow a full body workout where you hit every muscle in one workout. As you will be working out twice a week you will hit the same muscles again a few days later which should provide enough stimulus for growth and fat loss.
Exercise Selection
The exercises in this workout plan are mainly compound exercises, this is because they work multiple muscles at once and therefore give you the most “bang for your buck”. They get the most work done in the shortest amount of time which is what you want in a 30 minute workout plan.
Heavy compound movements help you to keep your muscle even when dieting and in addition to the short rest periods if you are following a reduced calorie diet you will see powerful fat loss results too!
Supersets are when you tag two (or more) separate exercises into one big set. For example you would complete exercise one and then move immediatley onto exercise two without a pause. You would then rest after exercise two, here’s an example:
Exercise A1: Bicep Curl (Complete this and then without rest complete A2)Exercise A2: Tricep Pressdown (After this set rest as directed)
The letter A refers to the fact this is one superset, the numbers 1 & 2 refer to the exercise order. This is a common feature of many workout plans (such as this) so become familar with it.
Supersets make a workout quick and effective as well as providing fat loss benefits due to the increased calorie expenditure from the short rest periods.
Download My 30 Minute Workout Plan Spreadsheet here and get started today!
It’s tough and it hurts at times but the fact is if you need to crunch your workout into a short space of time this 30 minute workout plan is an effective way to do it!
I’ve used this from time-to-time as and when I’m feeling the heat at work or I need to spend some quality time at home. Whatever the reason for doing it, you can get a quality workout in just half an hour with this 30 minute workout plan.
Good Luck!
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