Low calorie chicken recipes are something you’re going to need if you intend on dieting for any period of time.
As inventive as your cooking may be the time will come where you’re sick and tired of the same old chicken.
These chicken recipes will keep you sane a while longer!
Dieting Doesn’t Have To Be Bland!
The general perception about dieting is that the food has to be bland. I challenge this by recommending eating cheat meals (see Fast Food Calories) as part of keeping you sane.
But obviously they need to be used sparingly and the remainder of your week needs to be filled with good food.
Low calorie chicken recipes will likely be needed but make sure they’re as tasty as possible otherwise you won’t want to eat them!
Eating “Clean” Doesn’t Deliver Better Results!
Bodybuilders tend to be the most anally compulsive dieters of all. They believe that eating clean all the time will deliver the best results.
Whilst I can’t argue that you do have to eat clean to get good results, they take it too far by cutting out perfectly good foods for no reason.
The general dieting public wouldn’t be able to be so disciplined for so long and it’d usually end in a mammoth binge which undoes all the good work.
For this reason using cheat meals sparingly is better for long term adherence.
Even if you could last a long time on dry, plain chicken breasts and nothing else why would you want to?
A diet with variety is always one you’ll be able to stick to longer term
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