Abandoning healthy eating guidelines in the name of fat loss seems to be a growing trend. From no carb diets to liquid only diets, we sacrifice health believing it will lead to greater results!
The truth is, consistent calorie restriction alone makes you lose weight and excluding an entire food group and ignoring a healthy diet plan will only end in tears.
Why You Shouldn’t Follow Diet Plans Blindly
It’s important that you don’t just follow a diet plan blindly and trust that the person who put it together knows what they’re doing. If you take this approach you will always be reliant on the advice of others (me included).
It’s for this reason that understanding the basics of nutrition is so important. When you understand the why as well as the what, you empower yourself and take full control of your diet.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to get bogged down in the science of bodily processes, I’ll explain everything you need to know clearly and simply:
- Understanding Protein, Carbohydrates & Fats & How They Affect Your Body
- Why Following The Recommended Calorie Intake Doesn’t Work
- Adjusting Your Diet To Accommodate Health Concerns
- Why The Healthy Eating Pyramid is Flawed
- The Benefits of Healthy Eating
- Healthy Eating Facts and Nutrition Myth’s Revealed!
Before You Call Me a Hypocrite!
Whilst some of the diet plans I’ve followed and recommend restrict food groups (such as the ketogenic diet), they only exclude them for a period of days. Any diet that excludes a food group (such as carbs) long term will not be in keeping with a healthy diet plan and not in your best interests.
You Don’t Have To Follow Extreme Measures To Lose Fat!
The articles on this page outline the healthy eating guidelines that should be at the core of any diet plan you follow to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to be healthy.
Ensuring you don’t deprive your body of the nutrients it needs is doubly important when the intention of your diet is to mould your body into a leaner, stronger version of itself.
People seem to believe that successful dieting is this mythical process that requires huge sacrifice in order to deliver results.
This is probably due to the mainstream media circulating stories about how a Hollywood actress got in shape on a juice-only diet or by eating only purple foods and other ridiculous concepts.
The truth is that fad diets like this cannot be maintained long term and even if you struggle through a few weeks and lose some weight, if you can’t maintain it you will end up back where you started!
I remember the day my girlfriend came home with the Juice Master Diet book because she’d seen a celebrity claim they’d used it successfully. She endured less than 2 days before she jacked it in and ate a huge meal to compensate!
- Did she lose any weight? No
- Was she able to keep up the diet? No
- Was she constantly hungry? Yes
- Was this diet bad for her health? Yes
- Could she have lost weight eating regularly, feeling full and enjoying the food she ate? – YES
The point is clear, restricting foods feels like…well restriction! And dieting is difficult enough without us adding complex “rules” that make it all the more difficult to stick to.
Remember long term adherence is the most powerful tool in your arsenal, in other words, finding a diet you can stick to for a long time will give better results than any quick fix!
The articles below will ensure that you never have to ask “what is healthy eating?” again and that you’ll always scrutinise diets that don’t follow healthy eating guidelines!
Eating On-The-Go
Healthy Travel Snacks That Keep You on The Road To Success!
On-the-go and need a quick healthy meal? These healthy eating guidelines for travellers let you grab a healthy snack and go so you’re back on the road with a diet friendly meal in no time!
Discover my 5 diet saving travel tips designed to keep your diet in check while you get on with the rest of your life and the long journey ahead!
You’ll never have to spend 30 minutes reading nutrition labels in the fuel station again!
Show Me How To Find Healthy Travel Snacks!
Weight Loss Superfoods?
Foods That Burn Calories – Do They Help You Lose More Weight?
Entire diets are based on foods that burn calories and hundreds of fat burning supplements use these particular ingredients for their claimed weight loss benefits.
- Which Foods Burn Calories
- Do They Positively Contribute To Your Weight Loss Efforts?
- Should You Consider Purchasing Supplements With These Ingredients?
In addition to burning calories, these foods have a number of additional health benefits and are frequently included in healthy eating guidelines.
Tell Me More About The Foods That Burn Calories!
Zero Calorie Food
Zero Calorie Food Does Exist and Can Be Added To Your Diet At Will!
I use zero calorie food when dieting to add spice and flavour to my food, even better is there’s no nutritional cost to pay so I include them regularly!
Zero Calorie Food Does Exist and Can Be Added To Your Diet At Will!
Zero calorie food such as spices can be added to your diet to liven it up with and add new flavours to an otherwise bland experience!
I use them a lot of calorie free food to invigorate my recipes to make dieting a little easier and you can too!
Tell Me More About Zero Calorie Foods
Health Specific Advice
Low Cholesterol Diet Tips
Take a stand against high cholesterol and do something about it today!
My low cholesterol diet tips will keep your ticker ticking over and your heart healthy!
In this article we look at:
- What is Cholesterol?
- Types of Cholesterol and Their Affect on Your Heart
- Which Foods Contain Cholesterol?
- How to reduce Cholesterol Levels
Following these healthy eating guidelines will lower your cholesterol levels!
Show Me How To Lower Cholesterol!
What’s In Your Food?
Nutrition Facts Label Uncovers Healthy Food Fraud
The nutrition facts label should tell you what’s in your food, but beware clever labelling that hides ingredients that make your “healthy” food totally unsuitable for your diet!
Aggressive marketing slogans touting health benefits like “low fat” are also just a smokescreen designed to take your attention away from what’s REALLY in these diet killers!
We can’t let food manufacturers get away with this!
Take ownership by checking the nutrition facts label yourself and access if it meets your healthy eating guidelines. Don’t rely on the front of box marketing messages which are designed to mislead you!
Show Me The Healthy Food Fraud!
All About Protein
How Much Protein Per Day You Need To Accelerate Toward Your New Body!
Knowing how much protein per day you need and eating that amount every day will get you results far quicker than guessing and hoping for the best!
Calculating your protein per day requirements is simple, all you have to do is meet your daily protein targets and your new body will be taking shape in no time.
Tell Me How Much Protein Per Day I Need!
Healthy Eating Facts That Are Myths!
Myths that only serve to make dieting harder than it needs to be!
From no carbs at night time to eating small and often there are many diet myths with no substance behind them! These healthy eating facts uncover the truth about these myths!
Healthy Eating Facts Reveal The Truth About Common Diet Beliefs!
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