The fastest way to build muscle naturally will surprise you as it goes completely against everything you thought you knew about gaining muscle.

Here’s what its not:
- Following Jay Cutler’s Mr Olympia chest workout
- Spending a tonne of money on supplements
- Eating everything in sight
- A combination of these things
The single fastest way to build muscle is to forget almost everything you thought you knew about getting bigger and stronger.
On this page I’ll explain why you need to ignore the vast majority of training advice and information in the muscle magazines and I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to gain muscle naturally.
5 Rules You Must Live By
The muscle building magazines drive an industry designed to deceive by promoting products that promise results which are largely unachievable for most of us.
They use already genetically superior pro bodybuilders who take hundreds of thousands of pounds per year worth of illegal steroids. They don’t tell you this because the truth is you are nothing more than a customer to them, a number on a balance sheet come month end.
This doesn’t have to continue!
You’ve arrived at the fastest way to build muscle for natural trainees like you and I and I have eveything you need to start making progress TODAY!
I put together a list of rules which you must never forget or deviate from if you want to make progress and really discover the fastest way to build muscle that’s lean and big at the same time.
- Rule #1 – Know Your Limits and Set Goals Accordingly
- Rule #2 – Understand Your Needs as a Natural Trainee
At the very outset you have to know the answer to an important question, How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally? and also understand what you need as a natural lifter.
Without going through these steps you can’t set realistic goals or tailor your program to your needs and your results will suffer because of it.
If you really want to know the fastest way to build muscle it’s key that you understand just how long it will take you realistically.
As a natural lifter, the workouts pro bodybuilders use are useless for you and they don’t cater to your needs.
The magazines also make you believe you can gain far more muscle in a short space of time than you really can. This causes people to have unrealistic expectations; this means they get frustrated further down the line when they haven’t gained 30 pounds in 8 weeks.
The place where magazines have the biggest (negative) impact on people is in the gym…

This is where the muscle building process starts but if you’re workout doesn’t cater to your needs as a natural trainee you’ll short change yourself early on and could waste years!
As I mentioned above, your needs as a natural trainee are vastly different to someone taking steroids, that’s why muscle magazine workouts are largely useless for natural trainees.
For this reason the next rule is critically important…
- Rule #3 – Ignore Magazine Workouts Used By Pro Bodybuilders
You don’t need to be in the gym so long or so often…its Why Muscle Building Magazines Only Provide Entertainment and not advice which helps you progress.
Instead focus mainly on compound exercises which really are the best weightlifting exercises and always make sure you try to follow the progressive overload principle and lift more weight every workout.

The kitchen is where the magic happens and if your diet doesn’t provide a) enough calories and b) the right types of calories you simply won’t grow.
This leads us onto the next rule to live by if you want the fastest way to build muscle…
- Rule #4 – If Your Diet Sucks You Simply Won’t Grow!
Here’s what you need to do to nail the diet side of things:
Eat Enough
Nearly everyone who claims they can’t build muscle simply isn’t eating enough. Use this guide and discover how many calories per day you need to build muscle fast.
Without an excess of calories you’ll stay the same size so make sure you get this done and read The Food For Building Muscle is Key if You Want To Grow
Eat Right
Once you know how many calories you need you’ll want to know what type of foods to eat and when.
In The Foods That Build Muscle: Choosing The Right Foods we discuss the types of food you should be eating and when you should try to eat them.
Create Meal Plans
So you know how many calories to eat and what type of foods, and now you’re wondering what that looks like in the real world right?
This free bodybuilding meal plan provides a sample meal plan for gaining muscle both for a rest day and a workout day.

Supplements should be just that…supplementary but the promotion of supplements in the muscle media has made people believe they create magical results out of thin air.
Whilst they can be helpful you must observe this rule if you don’t want to waste money and end up frustrated:
- Rule #5 -Understand That Supplements Don’t Do The Hard Work For You
They’ll help you reach your goals if your 90-95% of the way there and they can make your life easier thanks to their convenience but don’t ever think they’ll do it all for you.
You still have to put the work in, there’s no getting away from it.
The best diet supplements are small in numbers (as most are pretty useless) and usually help to improve health (multivitamins, fish oils) or make your life easier (protein shakes, meal replacements), not build muscle out of wishful thinking!
Summary: The Cold Hard Truth
Most people probably won’t like what I’m saying on this page but in all honesty I’ll live with that.
I’d rather be brutally honest about the facts than mislead you. I can’t change the facts but I can try to help you from making costly mistakes and show you the fastest way to build muscle naturally.
Do that and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your potential and gaining lean muscle naturally and safely!
Good luck!