The Under Wraps Rapid Fat Loss Diet Formula Hidden From Mainstream Media…
It’s been right under your nose for years. The jealously guarded concept that you must know if you need to lose fat as quickly as humanly possible.
Almost no one in the weight loss industry talks about it and the vast majority of the industry will be mad at me for letting you in on it.
You see, this “missing puzzle piece” is the secret which can quickly separate you from an almost endless sea of struggling dieters…
The missing piece of the puzzle is called The Rapid Fat Loss Diet…
..Almost immediately after putting the Rapid Fat Loss Diet into action you’ll be dropping pounds lightning fast and be inundated with questions and admiration from everyone you know.
This hush-hush strategy can make you 10-20 pounds lighter in a matter of weeks. It can give you the reputation of a dieting genius. It can give you the status of a successful dieter…something few people can claim.
100% Safe – It’ The Fastest Way To Drop Weight Rapidly Without Harming Your Health
It Doesn’t Require Any Expensive Supplements – Only Day-To-Day Vitamins You Already Have In Your Cupboard
You Don’t Need To Go To The Gym – Home Exercise Handbook Included
You Can Cheat On Your Diet – Eat Whatever You Want Every Week and Still Drop Pounds!
Keep The Fat Off Once It Ends– Full Plan To Keep The Fat Off Post-Diet
Let’s You Enjoy Life – Eat With Freedom and Even Gain A Few Pounds As You’ll Always Know How To Get Rid Of Them Quickly!
Let’s get one thing straight right from the off. I’m no expert…I barely hit the pass mark in science
The reason I’m sharing this powerful fat loss strategy with you today is because I had to personally experience the pain that comes with trying to lose fat quickly before a big event.
I know how it can ruin your day…a day that’s supposed to be cherished and memorable.
A day where pictures will be taken which immortalize your unhappiness on film. I’ve been there and I know how to make sure this doesn’t happen to you…
Read on to find out how it all went wrong for me and what I did about it…
Want To See EXACTLY How Quickly I Lose Fat With This Diet?
You see, before I learned of The Rapid Fat Loss Diet, I was in a bad way. I was way out of shape and I had a vacation coming up that I'd been looking forward to (and dreading!)...
And to make matters worse, every time I caught my reflection in the mirror I thought about how embarrassed I'd be on the beach. I knew I'd be so preoccupied worrying about how I looked on the beach that I'd actually forget to enjoy the vacation I'd waited 9 months for...
I couldn't bear to waste the thousands I'd spent on my vacation and not enjoy the only 2 weeks I get off each year...
The problem was...I'd already tried everything.
I'd bought almost every type of diet and workout program I could find but still failed miserably.
Whilst some of the diet and workout plans did help me lose weight, they just took too long and time wasn't on my side.
What I needed was the single fastest way to lose as much fat as possible without taking any unnecessary risks.
Then one day, after searching Google for HOURS I stumbled upon what I thought was the solution. - That solution was a book by a well known diet guru who shall remain nameless for fear of getting sued for slander..
I decided this was the solution I needed and I followed the exact formula outlined in the book in the run up to my vacation...remember I had no choice but for this to work...
Failure was not an option.
The clock was ticking. I started Guru X's diet by going grocery shopping and planning every meal I'd eat that week.
I followed the diet to the letter, did the (excessive) exercise subscribed and took my expensive supplements like a good boy.
I stepped on the scales every day and barely saw the needle move and when it did it was not in the direction I hoped.
After an entire week of soul destroying, hunger filled dieting I found out I'd lost 2 pounds.
Take that in for a second...7 days of dieting with no "cheat meals" and complete commitment and all I got was a measly 2 frickin' pound weight loss!?!
I'd wasted a week and the realisation of hitting the beach only 2 pounds lighter made me depressed....and desperate.
I wasted another 3-4 hours online researching quick ways to lose weight and I tried yet try another diet. With less than a week left I committed completely to this new diet and this time I knew it's going to work.
A few days later, D day arrived and guess what...I'd not lost a noticeable amount of weight, I'd suffered for 2 weeks and I'd wasted a couple of hundred dollars on diets that didn't do the job.
Have you been here before?
If so, you'll know what's it's like to arrive at that special day (wedding, vacation, school reunion) and feel so low, so lacking in confidence that it spoils what was supposed to be a happy time in your life.
I remember sitting on that Egyptian beach in 2005 feeling angry, feeling cheated, feeling helpless...
I'd spent thousands on this vacation but here I was hiding under the umbrella on my sun lounger wearing a t-shirt in 33 degree weather because I felt fat compared to everyone else with their tanned, toned bodies.
I vowed to NEVER be in this situation again...
I didn't wait until next year. As soon as I got home from the airport I spent the best part of 3 weeks researching diet plans and planning to take action NOW.
I knew I was sick of hyped up marketing promises....I needed science to PROVE to me that any solution I was going to try was money well spent.
I did what most people do when they have a question they need answering - I bowed down before Mother Google.
I searched for quick ways to lose weight and I was swamped by a tidal wave of offers, products, books, DVD's, coaching and every other format of weight loss product.
I had far too many choices so I brought in some extra help - I posted on message boards and forums asking how I could lose 10-20 pounds in 2 weeks
I was belittled most of the time...
"You should have started sooner - You'll never be able to shift fat that quickly"
"You should have started sooner - You'll never be able to shift fat that quickly"
"You sound like a newbie - Accept that you can't lose more than 1.5 pounds per week"
"Dude - Seriously...just eat less and move's not hard"
These comments coupled with the feelings I had during my vacation made me want to give up...
I was no expert by any stretch of the imagination but I wasn't a newbie either, I just KNEW there had to be a faster way to lose fat.
I started hanging out less on the general fitness websites and started following guys whose articles, diets and advice are deeply rooted in science. No more guesswork...
It was on one of these message boards I was turned onto medical journals which publish the results of clinical trials. These are scientific experiments conducted by experts.
I poured over the fat loss studies and stayed up into the wee hours for 11 nights in a row...
In The Depths of These Medical Journals I Found The Answer...
What did I learn?
Well aside from the fact that sleep is important and no amount of caffeine can replace it I learned about a little known fat loss method which generated astounding fat loss!
There we're thousands of studies using the same method on all types of people from the very obese (400 lbs +) to more moderate weight ranges (under 200 lbs).
The common factor was that they ALL lost a significant amount of record time!
We're talking a pound of weight loss EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I knew I had to try this diet for myself and I spent the next 4 days researching it in great detail, trying to figure out what they were eating, how long they did it for etc
Details were sketchy to say the least.
After spending days trying to find out the answers to my questions, I was on the brink of looking for another with the information I needed.
It was during the last search I was planning on doing that I found the ray of light that would be the key to what happened next...
I was searching for the name of the scientist who conducted the study when I came across an article referencing the study itself...
The article was about the very diet I'd been researching for weeks...further investigation ensued and I eventually found out that there was a book based on these very methods!
Enter The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook
The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook by Lyle McDonald was the book that took the methods used in the original studies and put them in layman's terms and explained EVERYTHING I need to know.
I hurriedly ordered The Rapid Fat Loss Diet book and it was instantly downloadable which meant I was able to start right away...
I told my friends and colleagues about The Rapid Fat Loss Diet and they were not very supportive at all...
"Rapid Fat Loss Diet? That sounds dangerous - You'll probably damage your health"
"Just do weight watchers instead - It's far better than that crap"
"If it's so good why haven't I heard about it?"
That last comment got me...why hadn't I heard of The Rapid Fat Loss Diet if it was so hot?
I thought about it some and then decided that as I'd already stumped up the cash I may as well try it out...What did I have to lose?
What I discovered next changed my life forever...
I'd stumbled on something big with this one. Little old me, the person who'd failed countless times had finally found something that worked.
And something that worked like no other diet out there...this was special, this needed to be spread.
With The Rapid Fat Loss Diet I'd lost an enormous 19 pounds in 18 days and I'd eaten a half a large Dominos Pizza with sides every single Friday night as a treat.
Even more surprising was that I didn't start out really heavy so I could only wonder the kind of results The Rapid Fat Loss Diet could generate is someone heavier than me...
Here's my daily Rapid Fat Loss Diet weigh-in results:
Rapid Fat Loss Diet Summary |
Day 1 | 188 | |
Day 2 | 184 | - 4 |
Day 3 | 181 | - 7 |
Day 4 | 179 | - 9 |
Day 5 | 178 | - 6 |
Day 6 | 180 | - 8 |
Day 7 | 179 | - 9 |
Day 8 | 176 | - 12 |
Day 9 | 176 | - 12 |
Day 10 | 176 | - 12 |
Day 11 | 176 | - 12 |
Day 12 | 175 | - 13 |
Day 13 | 175 | - 13 |
Day 14 | 175 | - 13 |
Day 15 | 176 | - 12 |
Day 16 | 174 | - 14 |
Day 17 | 173 | - 15 |
Day 18 | 172 | - 16 |
Day 19 | 170 | - 18 |
I'd also eaten carbs every Saturday and got my fix of bread, pasta, rice and anything else I needed or wanted to eat. (that's why my weight temporarily went up before coming back down)
This freedom on weekends allowed me to eat healthily during the week and it made the diet far easier to stick with.
My eyes were opened.
I was now aware of the results the steps in the Rapid Fat Loss Diet book could now unlock for me...
And it turns out I wasn't alone...
They want you to fail.
That's right...the vast majority of people with a vested interest in the diet industry want you to stay fat and feeling hopeless.
Why? Let me explain...
Because the moneys in the treatment, not the cure.
If you succeed you might tell your friends and family and they might go and buy the product too - the seller gets 1-2 new customers.
Sounds good so far.
But the weight loss industry operate on greed. In their mind they've lost you as a customer forever, after all what need will you have for diet products once you've already lost the weight?
The answer is none.
It's far more lucrative to keep you in a failure-cycle where you buy more diet books, supplements, workout equipment, the list goes on but unfortunately the pounds don't drop off!
Even the guys who start a fitness website with the best of intentions get swayed by the mighty dollar and start endorsing bogus diet products in return for a slice of the commission.
But there's another reason why this book has been kept such a closely guarded secret...
Jay went from 320 pounds to 225 in 90 days when a friend got him on the Rapid Fat Loss Diet.

"I purchased Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook in hopes of losing a few pounds quickly. The diet did not disappoint, in just 10 days I lost 7.8 lbs, going from 133 to 125 pounds!"
- Mary Ellen, South Carolina

"I've been lifting weights for 35 years, been in the medical field for 20 years, have been a critical care nurse for 12 years. I am well aware of the nutritional needs of humans, and nearly every theory of dieting ever advanced.
I've done most every type of diet. I have never had such an easy time losing so much fat with so little muscle loss in such a short period of time (50 pounds in 2 1/2 months) as I have with Lyle's Rapid Fat Loss Diet.
In addition, and more importantly, after just one month on the diet, markers of health blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol, triglycerides, among others all went from really REALLY horrid to just about perfect. Truly amazing." -
David W Cohen, NV

""I am amazed at how this program worked for me. Knowing that a refeed/free meal was right around the corner gave me the willpower to be STRICT with the low calorie days.
Unlike most programs that tell you how to lose weight, The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook also devotes several chapters about how to maintain your weight. The book is very concise and I couldn't be happier about my results!"
J. Tsoi - Houston, Tx

"Your Rapid Fat Loss Diet e-book really put me on the right course. I have gone from 305 to 279 in 74 days.
Your no nonsense plan is extremely easy to follow and the best part is . IT WORKS!!!!!
Thank you for this fantastic information that WILL help me achieve the body of my dreams."
Forever Grateful,
Bill Evans
Seaford, Delaware
Taking a look at The Rapid Fat Loss Diet book itself and Lyle McDonald's website and the complete lack of marketing is apparent.
Lyle is into writing books, he's not in the slightest bit interested in marketing his books and the fact he's sold thousand via word-of-mouth means he hasn't had to.
That's why you don't see retina scorching banners that demand attention and that coupled with the mainstreams desire for this book to remain hidden are the reason you don't know about this remarkable fat loss solution.
The people that buy The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook are personal trainers, fitness models and competitive athletes, people who need assurances that their commitment to the diet will guarantee results.
Many personal trainers never update their knowledge but the ones at the top of their game who command $200 + an hour buy this book and then use the strategies with their clients.
So whilst The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook is not sexy to look at and whilst there are no chiselled abs or bikini clad fitness models pretending they used to look like the rest of us - it's a bona fide weight loss classic which cannot be compared to any other diet for its sheer speed of results and success rates!
You can have a piece of that too and break out of the failure-cycle and utilize the strategies the world's top athletes and models are using to get lighter quickly...
And believe me, it is MUCH quicker than anything out there...
The rest of the industry wants to silence him. He defies their threats and smear-campaigns and remains outspoken as ever.
Vowing never to let BS marketing get in the way of science and the truth, Lyle McDonald is a rarity amongst the authors of diet books.
The Rapid Fat Loss Diet, like his other books doesn't have a flashy cover of hot bikini clad babes and chiselled abs. In fact the covers are boring and the website equally so...but the goldmine within the book more than makes up for it.
Lyle's knowledge is the selling point not the flashy cover and web design...and he really knows his stuff.
Author of 6 underground classics including The Ketogenic Diet, Lyle McDonald has studied physiology for over 20 years and holds a degree and has a degree in physiological science from UCLA.
Lyle's articles have been published in an array of print magazines such as Flex and Peak Training Journal as well as on too many online magazines to mention.
He's the guy personal trainers, elite athletes and fitness models go to when they've overindulged and need expert assistance.
And that's the reason The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook is so powerful...
It's been tested on thousands of people from elite athletes to everyday people like you and I.
I asked myself that very question.
I knew diets like the Rapid Fat Loss Diet had been supervised by doctors and I wasn't sure I was willing to risk my health no matter how bad I wanted to shift the pounds.
After all, I didn't have a doctor on was just me.
I bit the bullet anyway and hoped the book would spell it out for me - And I wasn't disappointed.
The book very honestly and clearly laid out the potential risks (nothing major - Just to drink water, take a multivitamin) and whilst it was more extreme than the mainstream diets it worked as planned and in truth, I needed something more extreme due to the time constraints.
It turns out that the only reason the author wrote this book was because no matter what you tell them, people are going to crash diet so they may as well do it as safely as possible.
And that's the power of this system:
Safety + Science = Results!
Also, knowing this book was written by a bona fide expert not just some lousy marketer wanting to make a quick buck made me far more relaxed...
The Rapid Fat Loss Diet is the single fastest way to shed fat effortlessly so it makes sense you won't want to look elsewhere.
Unlike many other low calorie diets where you gain the fat back afterwards plus a bonus 10 pounds...with this diet you're given a maintenance plan too.
The minefield that is going back to eating a more balanced diet is covered in great detail and it's worth the asking price alone!
Lyle leaves no stone unturned as he covers this topic in immense detail and takes the guesswork out of it...
Once you've experienced the earth shatteringly fast weight loss The Rapid Fat Loss Diet can generate it'll always be your go-to diet should you ever need it.
Of course if you maintain healthy eating habits you won't need it. But if you want to live a little and eat the good things in life you can do so knowing you've got a sure-fire fat loss
Why pay a personal trainer for a 1 hour session that entertains you but doesn't really do anything for you...
Why pay for a month of Weight Watchers meetings ($48) that involve you spending time getting there only to face the embarrassment of a public weigh in?
You gotta respect Lyle for pricing this within reach for everyone...he could have easily sold this for $197 as he's not selling a book, he's selling results.
How many personal training sessions would it take to lose 10-20 pounds in two weeks? You'd be looking at around 4-5 sessions a week which would run up a bill of around $800!
Instead, for just $39.95 you can get the answer to your problem delivered instantly to your inbox.
Remember it's...
The Fastest Way To Drop Weight Rapidly Without Harming Your Health
Doesn't Require Any Expensive Supplements - Only Day To Day Vitamins You Already Have In Your Cupboard
No Gym Membership Needed - Home Exercise Handbook Included
A Selection of Diet Friendly Recipes Included
Post-Diet Plan To Keep The Fat Off Included
Can Be Used Again - Go Enjoy Life and Gain A Few Pounds Safe In The Knowledge You Know How To Lose Excess Pounds

Whilst everything in the book is covered in detail you may have some questions you want to answer.
If you do you'll be able to access the support forum which gives you access to a community of like-minded people who've done the diet you're embarking upon.
Not only that, Lyle is on hand to answer any questions which have not already been covered by the extensive FAQ's in the area dedicated to The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook.
Act quickly and order your copy of The Rapid Fat Loss Diet Handbook today, you can't afford to leave it any longer!
The only way you're going to be able to make rapid and positive changes is by taking action...

I'd also love to hear about your success with The Rapid Fat Loss Diet so get in contact with me and I'll add your before-and-after to the testimonials above.
Now go get your new body while you still can...!