Looking for Taco Bell calories and nutrition information may have just saved you blowing your diet for the entire week!
Even if you found this page after devouring a 7-layer burrito and feeling guilty then the information I’m about to share with you will ensure you stay on track in the future.
In this guide you’ll find:
Free PDF Download
The official Taco Bell US Nutritional Information Leaflet
Taco Bell Nutrition Calculator
How To Calculate The Calories In Taco Bell Online
What To Avoid
The Menu Options You MUST Avoid If You’re Interested in Getting Your Body Looking Better
What You Can Eat
Diet Safe Options So You Can Still Eat at Taco Bell If and When You Need To
Taco Bell is a Healthy Choice….isn’t it?
Tortilla, chicken, peppers, onions, salad, salsa…
The ingredients are diet friendly, so you can be forgiven for believing that you would be making a better choice eating at Taco Bell compared to other fast food joints.
Wrong! Taco Bell is no better than any other fast food outlet. Don’t be fooled by the salad and assume you can get away with a burrito here and a quesadilla there!
I’ll admit to being ignorant too…I was absolutely staggered when I took a closer look at the nutritional information leaflet.
I expected the cheese and sour cream to add some fat and the flour based tortilla’s to add some carbs, but I wasn’t prepared for just how bad some of their menu is!
I just don’t understand how Taco Bell turn these healthy ingredients into such a calorific, high fat concoction!
Now you know the truth, it’s time to arm you with the knowledge to avoid making any more costly mistakes!
Find Out What’s In Your Meal
Fast food companies probably rue the day they were forced to provide nutritional information to the masses but to be honest the availability of information has done nothing to slow their growth!
Consider that in the US alone, Taco Bell serves more than 38.5 million hungry customers EACH WEEK! Given the nutritional information I looked at, I’m sure the growth waistlines stateside is equally astounding!
It may be for this very reason that fast food companies are being forced to adapt to their customers needs and provide low calorie menu options and transparency about the content of their meals.
Thankfully, this information is freely available and you can easily find the calories in Taco Bell.
How To Find Taco Bell Calories and Nutritional Info
Option 1: Taco Bell Calories and Nutritional Information Guide
As with the other fast food restaurants, I’ve collated the official nutritional information guides for you to download for free.
You can download the full official Taco Bell US Nutritional Information Guide Here:
Taco Bell Calories Nutritional Information Guide
You need Adobe Reader to open this file as it’s a PDF. Most computers already have it, but if yours doesn’t, you can download it for free, click the icon below:
Option 2: Calculate The Calories in Taco Bell Online!
You can also calculate Taco Bell calories using the official nutrition calculator which can be found on the Taco Bell website.
If you wish to visit the Taco Bell calories calculator follow the link below:
Calculate The
Calories In Taco Bell
(this opens as a pop-up)
The Drive Thru Menu – Taco Bell’s 7 “Healthy” Choices
The healthy choices range is known as the Fresco menu, which comprises 7 options which are all low calories. The nutrition content of each of the 7 is as follows:
The Fresco menu is clearly aimed at the general public whose diets are focussed on calories and fat and little else. Those of you that know better, will be looking at the carb count and the protein count also.
From those perspectives the Fresco menu is (like the rest of the menu) too low in protein despite the meat based recipes.
So What Are The Best Menu Options At Taco Bell?
The point of these articles is to show you the best and worst choices in each fast food restaurant so you already know what you can eat and what you should avoid. I’ll also provide suggestions which work with a range of diet styles.
Low Carb Diet Options
I’ve determined low carb diets to be low calorie, low net carbs (carbs minus fibre) and with a more relaxed fat intake.
Pintos ‘n Cheese
170 Calories, 10g Protein, 19g Carbs, 9g Fibre, 1g Sugar, 6g Fat
Fresco Crunchy Taco
150 Calories, 7g Protein, 13g Carbs, 3g Fibre, 1g Sugar, 7g Fat
Volcano Taco
230 Calories, 8g Protein, 14g Carbs, 3g Fibre, 1g Sugar, 16g Fat
Crunchy Taco Supreme
200 Calories, 9g Protein, 15g Carbs, 3g Fibre, 2g Sugar, 12g Fat
Fresco Grilled Steak Soft Taco
150 Calories, 9g Protein, 19g Carbs, 2g Fibre, 2g Sugar, 4g Fat
High Protein Diet (Carbs Allowed) Options
Nearly all of the higher protein options are loaded with fat, here’s the ones that aren’t:
Fresco Burrito Supreme Chicken
350 Calories, 19g Protein, 50g Carbs, 8g Fibre, 4g Sugar, 8g Fat
Fresco Burrito Supreme Steak
340 Calories, 16g Protein, 50g Carbs, 8g Fibre, 4g Sugar, 8g Fat
Top 5 Worst Taco Bell Menu Options You MUST Avoid!
The Taco Bell nutritional information leaflet makes eye-opening (and eye-watering!) reading and lays bare the truth about Taco Bell calories.
Here’s a list of the Top 5 worst choices you can make:
Most Calories
Volcano Nachos
980 Calories
Chicken Ranch Taco Salad
910 Calories
Chipotle Steak Taco Salad
900 Calories
Fiesta Taco Salad
770 Calories
Highest Fat Content
Volcano Nachos
61g Fat
Chipotle Steak Taco Salad
57g Fat
Chicken Ranch Taco Salad
55g Fat
Fiesta Taco Salad
42g Fat
Nachos BellGrande
42g Fat
Notice that the same 5 make up both lists? This tells you to stay well away from these options!
I hope this guide will help you make an informed choice next time you visit Taco Bell and that you’ll now be able to eat on the go whilst still progressing with your diet!
If you want to do the same at McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks and many other outlets, be sure to check out my guides by clicking the link below.
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