This 3day workout routine helped me shed body fat and maintain muscle while working out less than ever!
Now you can download the exact workout routine I used to get amazing results!
This workout plan helped me meet my goals quickly and I was able to:
• Lose body fat AND maintain muscle
• Increase my strength by 17% despite dieting
• Increase my shoulder press by 33%
• Increase my deadlift by 20%
• Increase my bench press by 18%
All of this was achieved working out LESS and doing FEWER exercises that those prescribed in 90% of recommended workout routines.
Increase YOUR strength too!
Not only did I get the results you see above but this workout program fit my hectic schedule as I was in and out of the gym quickly. Even though things were really busy at work with year end on the horizon, this program only required three 45 minute workouts which is a perfect workout for busy people!
Want to see my before/after pictures and my workout logs using this exact 3day workout routine?
Click Here To See My Results!
Now you can download the program today and take the first step towards your new body!
Can You Really Get A Productive Workout Quickly?
You’re busy so the amount of time you have to workout is limited. So you need results as quickly as possible right?
Luckily for people like us, you don’t need hours of exercise to lose fat, quite the opposite in fact.
Here’s something that took me YEARS to appreciate and actually act upon but once I grasped it my workouts changed forever:
The Secret To Successful Workouts is Intensity NOT Duration or Volume
Take a second to take that in…
Stored it in your mind? On the back of a post-it-note? However you plan on remembering it just make sure you do as its so important!
It nicely sums up the reality that you don’t make progress in the gym by doing more exercises, working out for hours etc, you make progress when you challenge your body to do something it hasn’t done before.
Yes it might be difficult (nothing of value is easy!), yes it might hurt for a few days after your workout but that’s the reality. You will not make progress meandering on easy street doing the same workout at the same weights.
The Exercises
Compound exercises (movements that work multiple muscles) form the base of this 3day workout routine.
Lifting heavier weights in these moves each week is all you need to do in order to lose body fat AND maintain your muscle.
Isolation exercises (movements that work only one muscle) are restricted as they generally do not add anything of value and only increase the volume of work and the time you spend in the gym.
However, there are a handful of exercises which are isolation exercises, these are known as assistance exercises.
Ever heard the saying you’re only as strong as your weakest link?Well that’s where these exercises come in, they help keep you injury free and help you move consistently heavier weights.
If isolation exercises are not complementing the big lifts then they have no place in your 3day workout routine.
The 4 Focal Points
Bench Press
Pull Up
Secondary MovementsOverhead Press
Barbell Row
Weighted Dips
Romanian Deadlift
Assistance ExercisesRotator Cuff Twists (L-Fly)
Calf Raise
Cable Crunch (Prayers)
Dumbell Leg Raise
Why Those Exercises?…No Bicep Curls?!
Before you leave in disgust at the lack of bicep training hear me out.
Your biceps are a small muscle so they don’t need much volume and if you’re lifting heavy enough in the 4 key movements they’ll be getting plenty already.
Adding additional isolation exercises like bicep curls won’t further your progress, it will simply add time to your workout and be ineffective.
I know people have a tendency to add exercises and do things they enjoy but please just trust that this 3day workout routine has all your bases covered and don’t waste your time doing more than you need to.
Let Me Walk You Through The 3Day Workout Routine!
The 3day workout routine is based on a training method called Reverse Pyramid Training.
What is Reverse Pyramid Training?
Most workout plans have you complete all of your sets with the same weight or have you increase the weight with each successive set.
Bearing in mind that you become weaker as your sets continue, adding more weight to a movement doesn’t make sense.
RPT addresses this by STARTING with the heaviest weight you can handle and then reducing the weight for the following sets.
There are three types of sets in this 3day workout routine:
- Warm Up Sets
- Top Sets
- Back-off Sets
Warm Up Sets
Lifting heavy weights requires you to warm up thoroughly, part of this is warm up sets in the specific movement you are about to perform.
Not only does it allow you to practice the movement with lighter weights, it also allows your muscles to become accustomed to the demands about to be placed on them.
Top Sets
After you’ve warmed up properly your top set is your first real “work” set and it’s this set that you will lift the heaviest weight you can for the prescribed number of reps.
You will complete only one top set and you should take this set to failure (i.e. the point where you cannot complete another full rep in good form).
Once you’re able to perform the required number of reps with that weight, increase it at your next workout. If you are unable to meet the required reps, stick with the same weight and keep trying to add another rep each week until you reach the required reps.
Bench Press
Week 1 – 165 lbs x 6 reps
Target of 6 reps met so weight increased by 2.5kg (5.5 lbs) the following week:
Week 2 – 170.5 lbs x 3 repsTarget of 6 reps not met, so weight remains the same
Week 3 – 170.5lbs x 5 reps
Your absolute focus should be on adding weight to the bar or by completing more reps with the same weight. If you’re dieting you will arrive at the point where you can no longer add reps or weight, if this happens you should just focus on maintaining the same weight/reps.
Do not, under ANY circumstances reduce the weight of your top set; this is a sure-fire way to lose muscle.
Back-off Sets
Your top sets should have been all-out and therefore doing another set won’t be possible. One set isn’t going to be enough volume for most people to really work your muscles, so what do you do?
The answer is back-off sets.
The goal of a back-off set is to allow you to stimulate your muscles further without completely exhausting yourself. Your top set is very draining on your nervous system so additional high intensity sets are a bad idea.
For your back-off sets you should reduce the weight you used in your top set by around 10%. This doesn’t need to be scientific so you can estimate this yourself.
Calculating your back-off set weight
Top Set – 264 lbs (120kg)
90% of 264 (264 x 0.9) = 237.6 (108kg)
Taking your mobile phone into the gym is usually a bad idea as it’s a distraction but the calculator can come in handy if your maths isn’t sharp.
By the way, the 90% is never going to be scientific due to the weight of individual plates and dumbbells so round up or down as you see fit.
Using the example above (us Brits work with kilo’s) I would round down from 108kg to 107.5kg for my back off set as its closer than 110kg.
Benefits of Top & Back-off Sets
This makes sense for a number of reasons:
- You have more energy and strength in your first set and therefore be able to lift heavier weights
- You will stimulate the maximum amount of muscle fibres by using a heavier weight
- Mentally having one all-out set to focus on is easier than multiple heavy sets or increasing the weight when you’re already fatigued
Rest Periods
During your warm up sets (where you slowly increase the weight while reducing the reps) you should only need 60-90 seconds rest between sets as you should not be exerting yourself.
After your final warm up set, rest a full 3-5 minutes before your top set.
After your top set, rest another full 3-5 minutes before your back-off sets. You need all your strength to move weights you’ve previously been unable to lift and studies show 3-5 minutes is the required rest time for maximal strength.
Don’t try to circuit train by implementing short rest periods; this is about progressively lifting heavier weights not trying to lose fat by burning calories while training.
Download My 3Day Workout Plan Now!
Click on the image to download the 3day workout routine now!
Want to see the results I got using this plan? Check out
page where you can see my before and after pictures and see how my strength increased as I got leaner!
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