Gain Muscle Mass Now! Avoid the 10 Mistakes Everyone Else in your Gym is Making
Gain Muscle Mass Now! Want to be bigger than the other guys in the gym but don’t know how? You can gain muscle fast if you avoid these common mistakes that constantly hold back the progress of the uneducated.
- 1. You have no idea how much you should be eating each day to gain muscle mass
If you have no idea how many calories you need to be eating to maintain your current weight then it’s unlikely you know how many calories you need to eat to gain weight.
Forget magazine meal plans, your body is not the same as everyone else’s so don’t follow a generic eating plan!
If you’re serious about being able to gain muscle mass then very first thing you need to establish is the number of calories you need to eat each day along with the amount of protein, carbs and fat you should consume.
If you do not do this you will not be able to gain any appreciable muscle.
Fix this now!
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- 2. You do not track your daily food intake and have no idea how much protein, carbohydrates, fat and calories you consume each day
Another common mistake is trainees trying to “guesstimate” their food intake and hoping that they will be meeting their nutritional needs.
Newsflash! This is a sure-fire route to failure.
Knowing how many calories you need to consume to gain muscle mass is important but if you are not tracking your intake too then you have no idea if you are hitting your numbers.
There are many ways to track your calories; it’s not important how you do it just that you do it!
Fix this now!
Click here to download my free calorie counter spreadsheet!
- 3. You do not prepare any of your own meals
Preparing your own meals is the difference between success and failure a lot of the time.
Sure, we all eat out when time is short but when you are tracking your food intake you will see what is actually in the foods you eat and you may be surprised.
Cooking your own meals ensures you know exactly what is in your food.
- 4. You train for too long, too often
No pain no gain right? It’s amazing the number of trainees who think that the way to gain muscle fast is to train hard every day. Did you know this approach actually makes you lose muscle? Training too long, too often causes stress which triggers the release of cortisol, a muscle wasting hormone.
Exercise is the stimulus that breaks down your muscle fibres, when you rest your muscles use nutrients from your diet to repair you themselves; this makes them bigger and stronger so they can cope with heavier weights in future.
If you are in the gym 5 or 6 days a week you are not giving your body time to rest so your body cannot grow. Forget magazine workouts followed by steroid junkies with super-human recovery and understand that you are different and your approach must reflect that.
Simply, if you are eating enough of the right calories you will gain muscle mass, don’t overdo it in the gym.
- 5. You don’t train often enough or with enough intensity
It goes without saying that without training often enough your body will not grow and you will not be able to gain muscle mass. Make sure you are training at least three times per week and ensure that you only hit each muscle once each week.
When you do train, train hard, lift heavier weights or do more reps each and every week, the only way to continue progressing (once your diet is sorted) is by progressively increasing the amount of weight shifted every week.
If you have not achieved a new personal best each workout then your workout will probably not force your body to adapt.
- 6. You do not track your progress in the gym
How can you possibly expect to gain muscle mass and get stronger and bigger if you can’t remember how much weight you lifted or how many reps you did at your last workout?
Quite simply, you will not know what you need to beat to force your body to adapt, you must write down the number of reps and weight used for each exercise after your workout.
- 7. You switch workout programs too often
If you are constantly changing your workout every few weeks then you will be making very little progress as your body takes a few weeks to get used to the new program.
You should stick with a workout program for at least 4-6 weeks before deciding if it is working for you, eat enough and lift more each workout and then decide if you are making the right amount of progress.
- 8. You never make changes to your workout program
Never making changes to your workout ensures you will never make changes to your physique. Switch up your program every 6-8 weeks and try something new. Alternate lower reps and heavier weights with moderate weight and moderate reps to focus on strength as well as size:
4-6 reps – Strength Emphasis
8-12 reps – Size emphasis
12-15+ reps – Cardio/Conditioning Emphasis
Whilst I am sure many of you will only be concerned with size, other rep ranges will ensure your body keeps adapting and continuing to gain muscle mass!
- 9. You follow the advice of others regardless of the results
It works for the big guy in the gym so why not you right? Well because you are not him! Listen to everyone’s advice, read up on different programs and exercises and see what works for you and do that!
- 10. You do not do the difficult exercises
Quite frankly, if your workouts do not include squats, deadlifts and other major compound movements you will not be able to gain muscle mass.
Compound movements recruit more than one muscle and are the best exercises to gain muscle fast!
Forget isolation moves like bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, dumbbell flyes etc and focus on the big moves for big gains! Use isolation exercises after compound moves to full exhaust each muscle.
Right now you have diagnosed your failures lets get you started on the road to progress!
Click here for a professional free weightlifting routine that will ensure you gain muscle mass now!
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