When looking for a weightlifting routine for beginners it’s critical that the workout plan you find is completely geared towards the needs of a weightlifting beginner.
As a weightlifting beginner you have unique needs that must be met if you’re serious about building muscle. Any other workout plan simply will not do…make sure you take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity!
If you’re looking for a weightlifting routine for beginners or a workout plan for teens then I have what you need right here!
So How Do You Take Advantage of Your Biggest Opportunity to Build Muscle?
I’ve got some great news for you!
As a weightlifting beginner you will be able to gain muscle mass quicker than any other time in your life!
As you have probably never trained regularly with weights your body will respond positively once you start your workout program. Get ready to build muscle rapidly!
You will be able to build muscle faster than a 200lb bodybuilder with 10 years training experience.
Whilst this sounds unbelievable it’s true! A bodybuilder who has been training for years will likely have met their genetic potential. You are a weightlifting beginner are primed and ready for rapid development..you just have to make sure you get a few things right.
The Keys to Taking Advantage of Your Opportunity To Build Muscle Rapidly are….
- Making sure you have a weightlifting routine for beginners
- Ensure you eat the right foods to support your training
So What Should A Weightlifting Routine For Beginners Look Like?
1. Avoid the single biggest mistake beginners make in the gym
The single biggest mistake beginners make is training too often, they believe that the more you train the bigger you get.
To build muscle it’s important that you train hard but not too much, in fact training too much will prevent you from gaining muscle!
As a weightlifting beginner you should not be training with weights more than 3 times per week. You should also ensure you have a rest day in between workouts.
This is critical as whilst you stimulate and break down your muscles in the gym, your time outside of the gym is when you grow.
Ensure you keep activity to a minimum on your off days and provided your diet provides the nutrients your body needs, you will gain muscle.
2. Make sure your workout plan focuses on the major muscle groups
The biggest muscles in your body are your legs, chest and back and as such they should receive the most focus.
As you will be training 3 times per week your workouts should look like this:
Workout 1 Focus: Chest
Workout 2 Focus: Legs
Workout 3 Focus: Back
Weightlifting beginners tend to focus on the “T Shirt muscles” such as are biceps and abs, whilst these need work too; they are smaller so need less attention.
A good weighlifting routine for beginners will have you work these muscles first in your routine followed by the smaller muscle groups.
3. Make Compound Lifts The Basis of Your Workout Plan
A compound lift is an exercise that involves multiple muscles at the same time. This is the opposite of an isolation exercise which only targets one muscle.
An example of a compound lift would be the bench press as this involves the shoulders and triceps as well as the chest.
An example of an isolation exercise would be a bicep curl where the bicep is the only muscle involved in the movement.
Compound lifts are the key to gaining muscle mass for the following reasons:
- They involve multiple muscles simultaneously
- They usually allow you to lift your heaviest weights thus boosting development as heavy weights make your body release more testosterone and IGF-1 (Growth Hormone) than lighter loads.
It’s important to learn the basic exercises that will form the foundation of your weightlifting future, learn them properly now and it will pay off in the future!
Compound Movements include:
Chest: Bench Press (Dumbbell/Barbell – All angles), Push Ups
Legs: Squats, Lunges
Back: Dead lift, Chin/Pull Ups, Rows, Pull Downs
Shoulders: Military Press, Arnold Press, Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4. Maximise your gains and skyrocket your progress with adequate nutrition
Along with rest and recovery, nutrition is key to all progress in the gym so you should ensure your diet supports your training.
Ensure you are eating enough to build muscle or you will not make any progress. As a teenage trainee you have a little wiggle room as you tend not to gain fat due to your fast metabolism but good nutrition is still critical. Sure, eat something you shouldn’t every now and again just don’t do it too often!
Click here to make sure your diet is set up to help you build muscle fast!
Example Weightlifting Routine for Beginners
The weightlifting routine for beginners below is set up specifically for newbie’s and will ensure you don’t over train therefore keeping your body primed for growth!
Stick to a workout plan for at least 4-6 weeks before switching to a new one, whilst varying the workouts are good you need to give your body time to adapt to the workouts too.
You should aim to progressively lift more poundage each session, once you can meet the required amount of reps and sets increase the weight.
*note the exercises with a “C” next to them denote a compound movement
You now have a solid weightlifting routine for beginners which will help you gain muscle quickly! Now get a step ahead of everyone else in your gym by avoiding these 10 classic muscle building mistakes!
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