Wanting to know Pizza Hut calories sounds like the contradiction of all contradictions right?
Greasy pizza and six pack abs do not go well together, or so we’re told. The problem is, the Hut has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember and I’m not ready to completely say goodbye!
I’ve always enjoyed my food but believed in the eat clean all the time mantra so tried to be “good” as much as possible. This usually meant bland food and a grumpy me most of the time!
That was until I found out that some diets allow a cheat meal once a week, kind of like a reward for being disciplined throughout the week. This sounded interesting….
I was able to eat lots of Pizza Hut calories and still keep losing weight!
To be fair I mixed up my junk food sources by including Dominoes too so give me some credit!!
Seriously though, I lost a lot of weight by being disciplined throughout the week (which was easy as I was at work all day anyway and in the gym at night) and then enjoying my treat!
How did I do it?
I made sure I had the facts at hand, I found the Pizza Hut calories information I needed and I made sure it fit with my diet plan.
Approach 1
I would use the Pizza Hut calories information to work out the damage my large margarita (shared) and sides would do. I knew how much protein, carbs, fat and calories my haul contained and I added these to my
calorie counter spreadsheet.
I knew how many calories I was allowed to eat that day (less than maintenance calories) and my fast food calories didn’t take me over these numbers.
I was able to eat a disgusting amount of Pizza Hut calories (over 1400!) in one sitting and still lose weight that week!
Approach 2
After bulking up over winter and going a little OTT I needed to drop some poundage fast! I started the
Rapid Fat Loss or RFL diet
and was eating restrictive foods through the week. I was allowed one cheat meal each week, can you guess what mine was?
Yep, pizza. I didn’t have to count the calories of this meal but I did anyway because I’m anal like that. I ate the same ridiculous amount of calories, although this time it took my well over my calorie numbers for that day.
The difference was I was at a severe calorie deficit on all the other days so in the overall scheme of things I was still below my weekly maintenance level. I still lost weight that week!
So How Can You Enjoy Thousands of Pizza Hut Calories and Still Lose Weight?
Step One
Obtain the full nutritional information so you know how many calories your meal contains so you can include them in your daily intake. I’ve compiled the full menu nutritional information for you. It’s the closest thing you are going to get to a Pizza Hut restaurant calorie counter.
Free Download:
UK Pizza Hut Full Nutritional Information (right click, save as)
US Pizza Hut Full Nutritional Information (right click, save as)
Step Two
Don’t leave yourself in the dark. Make sure you know
how to count calories
and use a calorie counter spreadsheet to record your daily food intake.
Step Three
Make sure you have a good diet plan that allows you to include a cheat meal, I used the RFL diet.
Step Four
Kick back, relax and wait for the knock at your door and indulge!
Looking for other fast food calories?
Mcdonalds Calorie Counter – Free Full Nutritional Info
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