by Rob Hampson
(Durban, South Africa)
But at the moment I can’t justify a half hour workout when there are so many other important things that I need to get done in the day (Which I don’t get around to sometimes anyway!)
But I still don’t want to lose my shape.
So what would be the best 5 minute workout to do that would give me the best results for staying strong and in shape?
Skye’s Answer:
A 5 minute workout is a tough ask but even with such limited time you can still get a workout that keeps you strong and slim line!
Before we delve into what the workout would look like its important we establish the goal of your workouts to ensure they’re appropriate.
You mention you want to stay in shape and strong which for most people means lean and muscular so I’ll base my answer on this specific goal.
The Role of Workouts During Fat Loss
The general population have got it into their heads that weight loss is the result of lots of exercise when in fact diet is the significant factor. I’ve spoken many times in the past about the flaws in trying to outwork a poor diet and that actually working out less is better when it comes to fat loss.
It’s a false economy to try to burn hundreds of calories through exercise when it is quicker and easier to reduce food intake instead.
I discuss this further in these articles which explain how quick workouts are actually better:
Free Workout Schedule Busy Executives Can Use To Lose Fat Fast!
Cut Exercise Frequency and Get Lean Working Out Less!
Reducing Workout Frequency To Lose Fat and Maintain Muscle!
The key point is that the most time efficient way to lose fat is by ensuring you know your weight loss calorie intake
and you then track your diet daily.
This takes care of the fat loss even without a workout at all, the problem is you’d lose muscle without strength training and you’d just look like a smaller version of yourself.
The role of workouts during fat loss is to maintain muscle mass and strength.
Strength Training Workouts For Busy People
When dieting your body can’t recover as well which is why workout out less often and doing less exercises, sets, reps etc is good.
You can actually cut the length of your workouts by 2/3rds and still maintain strength and muscle mass provided the weight on the bar stays the same. This is exactly what I do during dieting and you can see the results in my fat burning workout plan article.
You’ll note that the 3day workout routine I used in that article is short (by most peoples standards) but still clocks in at around 35 minutes.
Also, as you have limited time you need exercises that work the most muscles at once, think the barbell bench press, deadlifts and squats as your core exercises.
15 Minute Workout + 20 Minute Workout
If the 5 minutes you have is every day then this gives you 35 minutes per week. Could
Monday – No workout
Tuesday – 15 minutes
Wednesday – No workout
Thursday – No workout
Friday – No workout
Saturday – 20 minutes
Sunday – No workout
If this is possible it would deliver far superior results in the same amount of time than a 5 minute workout.
The reason is that for strength training to be effective you need to handle heavy weights and when handling heavy weights you need longer rest periods between sets.
You need a minimum of 3 minutes rest between sets in order for you to be strong enough to complete another set. This makes a 5 minute workout challenging as even a six rep set will take around 30 seconds to complete.
My advice is workout less often but for longer and do a 15 minute and a 20 minute workout.
20 Minute Workout
Warm Up Sets – 3 minutes (See Gym warm up guide)
Set 1 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Set 1 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Barbell Bench Press
Set 1 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Set 2 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minute
Tricep Dips
Set 1 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Set 2 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Total Workout Time: 18 Minutes (2 minutes to set up equipment)
15 Minute Workout
Warm Up Sets – 3 minutes
Set 1 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Set 2 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
Set 3 – 6 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 3 minutes
13 mins 30 secs
Chin Ups
Set 1 – 10 reps – 30 seconds
Rest – 30 seconds
Set 2 – 10 reps – 30 seconds
Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes
This workout plan though far from ideal would provide enough stimulation to maintain strength and muscle provided the weights used were heavy enough. You can do these in a standard home gym with a weights bench, a barbell and weights.
You could do pull ups on a door frame or nearby tree and dips can be done using chairs.
Still need a 5 minute workout?
If you really can’t rework your schedule and you really only do have 5 minutes per day then I would suggest you do the following 5 minute workout:
Warm Up Sets – 3 minutes
Set 1 – 6 reps– 30 seconds
Rest – 1 minute
Set 2 – 30 seconds
Overall, I think the best use of your time would be to ensure your diet is full of protein, lower in carbs and also includes some good fats. Try to keep your calorie intake lower than your body needs to maintain your weight and you’ll drop fat.
Use your limited time to help maintain your lean muscle mass; ideally using the 15 and 20 minute workouts rather than the 5 minute workout.
I hope this helps you Rob.